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작성일 : 18-05-29 14:25
 글쓴이 : 신호시스템
조회 : 1,316  
   21y_e.pdf (389.4K) [25] DATE : 2018-05-29 14:30:58

The Y-line transmitters have an extremely small temperature error. This is
achieved using an additional circuit containing a temperature sensor that subdivides the temperature
range into fields that are 1,5 Kelvin (K) wide. The TK zero and TK compensation values
are calculated for each field and programmed into the additional circuit. During operation, these
values are fed into the analogue signal path depending on the temperature. Each temperature
is the „calibration temperature” for this transmitter. The accuracy thereof is mainly determined
by linearity. 120 fields are available, representing a possible temperature range of 180 K. The
wider the temperature range, the greater the amount of testing that is needed to minimise the
inaccuracy of the mathematical model.