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작성일 : 19-07-24 13:44
HMP110 - Vaisara
 글쓴이 : 신호시스템
조회 : 1,719  
   HMP110-Datasheet.pdf (849.2K) [45] DATE : 2019-07-24 13:47:41

Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP110

The miniature size HMP110 has a measurement range of 0 ... 100 %RH; -40 ... +80°C and the probe incorporates the latest generation HUMICAP® 180R sensor for best stability and high chemical tolerance. The HMP110 has an IP65-classified metal housing. 

This probe is suitable for volume applications or integration into other manufacturers' equipment and also for glove boxes, greenhouses, fermentation and stability chambers, data loggers, and incubators.

Miniature-size humidity transmitter
Low power consumption and fast startup for battery powered applications
Measurement range: 0 ... 100 %RH; -40 ... +80°C
Cable detachable with standard M8 quick connector
Reliable: Latest generation HUMICAP® 180R sensor for best stability and high chemical tolerance. IP65 metal housing.
Optional RS485 digital output
Temperature only version HMP110T also available
Optional dew point calculation
Comes with a certificate